acne photoMARINA’S MEMO

BodyTalk can help with little troubles as well as the big ones. In the past two months, BodyTalk Access sessions made my neck pain, cough and cramping disappear. Thanks Tricia and David for making BodyTalk available in Grass Valley!


flowers_pink.jpgMarina May

Administrative Assistant
BodyTalk California


Acne is a skin disease mostly found during adolescence.   


 Causes and treatments:

1) Diet – Milk, processed foods, and refined sugars are common food allergies that cause acne. They can be addressed using BodyTalk.2) Hormonal activity – Puberty, and its associated fluctuations in estrogen and testosterone levels, cause hormonal imbalances. Sebaceous glands often become overactive during this time. BodyTalk balances the hormones released by the pituitary gland, adrenal gland, ovaries, and testes.

3) Stress – Pre-exam stress, problematic situations, peer pressure, and lack of regular sleep can also be underlying causes of acne. BodyTalk looks at the person holistically, addressing frustrations, insecurities, anger, fear, anxiety, and the confusion caused by constantly having to adapt to changing hormonal levels.

4) Medication – Regular medications such as inhalers and antibiotics may have side effects and cause an already toxic liver to become overwhelmed. BodyTalk regulates, harmonizes, balances, and detoxifies the liver.

BodyTalk appeals to teenagers as it is noninvasive, and a client always remains fully dressed. No elimination diets or hormonal therapy are used in BodyTalk.  


acne jokedivider-1SUCCESS WITH BODYTALK

soccer_kick.jpg“I brought in my 15 year old son who for the last 8 years complained of difficulty breathing, lack of vitality and a lot of pain when playing sports. After one BodyTalk session he know works out an hour and a half per day and runs 3 miles twice a week. Within two months of his BodyTalk session, he no longer has difficulty breathing, pain or vitality issues. He is excelling in sports and at school.”

 Edison Zapata