Public Speaking Topics

David True

Healthcare System

What are the historical implications of healthcare?   What are the pros and cons of various healthcare systems?  With a bent on medical history in the U.S. and a curiosity about energy medicines, David presents from a wide range of research.  He has been studying the historical and evolutionary healthcare systems, their benefits and costs.

David helps his audience resonate and understand the principles and possibilities of healthcare with a population of diverse interest using multiple analogies.  For example, he could describe a Healthcare System as analogous with plumbing, electrical circuits, or a road map.   Key to his success is his capacity to listen to other’s questions and concerns and addressing their needs
3d human give a lecture behind a podium


Passionate since middle school years about history and the evolution of mankind responding to changes economically, industrial, electrical inventions, radio, and more are subjects that have intrigued David over the years.  He keeps abreast of current news in light of historical events and has an interpretation that is worth hearing about.

Dream Career

Those who ache with a longing to live out a dream and who either do not know clearly what that dream is, or is wondering about how to achieve it will benefit from the many provoking questions that will lead one on their path of heart.  In order to follow a dream one is required to have a vision of their highest dream and keeping questions alive on the pursuit of that vision will direct one towards fulfillment of their dreams.

Tricia True

Women’s Self Care

Women’s Self-Care Guide Manual guide is designed for busy women to apply exercises and self-examining tools to gain awareness about herself in order to reduce self-destructive tendencies for the purpose of enhancing presence and meaningfulness of life.  Workbook Guide Manual is included in her seminars.

Crisis Education

Crisis intervention in home, schools and the work place and the community at large is necessary to maintain the potential of highest functioning.  When more people become aware of the signals of stress that are ignored and not explored can lead to suicide thoughts and attempts.  Education about signs and symptoms or behaviors that are precursors to more serious signs may help reduce the symptoms, obtain the necessary resources for help, and prevent suicide attempts.  Crisis are manageable with recognizing the symptoms.  Every family, classroom and workplace will function in a healthy way with exploration tools and steps to improve lives.

Contact us to learn more, or book David or Tricia to speak at your event.