smiling-ladyHelp us help you, your family and your clients.

BodyTalk California is your personal growth and health center, empowering people to achieve their goals and live healthy lives.

Local business owners and their clients around the world can benefit from BodyTalk’s system of listening to the body’s innate wisdom to clear blocks that stand in the way of vibrant health and personal growth. Whether you’re local in Northern California or anywhere in the world, BodyTalk sessions are effective when done in-person or from a distance. For more information on our distance sessions click here.

How we can help each other:

We offer one complimentary BodyTalk Treatment for all local business owners, managers and department heads. BodyTalk not only can help you achieve your own dreams, it can help your family and clients live their dreams too. Business professionals can earn rewards by joining our referral program.  Talk to Marina, our administrative assistant for details.  She can be reached at (530) 274-8454 or

You can also receive a discount on our BodyTalk Access Training, a one-day course which provides the layperson a simple set of techniques for you and your family to make the management of daily health challenges accessible. When done on a regular basis, a majority of day-to-day health and stress-related concerns can be very easily addressed with the BodyTalk Access routine.

Contact us for details about our local business specials.