

Marina May Administrative Assistant BodyTalk California

We’re going on the road!  David and Tricia want to share our health talks with community organizations and groups.  They speak on a wide range of health subjects including popular topics such as women’s self care, emotional disorders, back pain, respiratory health, digestive disorders, immune system and brain function. Call me today to schedule a free health talk for your group. (530) 274-8454 or email




Arthritis Defined

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints.  Several common types of arthritis are Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Lupus, and Ankylosing Spondylitis.

BodyTalk discloses and works with the underlying causes of any type of arthritis rather than diagnosing the disease.  As always, BodyTalk uses the body’s natural self-repair mechanisms to facilitate healing, re-establishing lines of communicationin the body that have been blocked.  Sometimes the breakdown in the body’s internal dialogue that brought on the arthritis occurred many years ago, yet is only now causing discomfort.

BodyTalk approaches the entire condition from many different angles:

  • The buildup of uric acid crystals around the joints (gout) can be addressed using the digestive and metabolic systems.
  • Balancing the client to barometric pressure can help the body adjust to a difficult climate.
  • An old injury or accident can be storing trauma or emotions, release of which can help relieve a client’s symptoms.
  • Parts of the body can be addressed through their consciousness. Arthritic knees, for example, can be addressed through the consciousness of knees: fear of walking forward in life.
  • The belief systems that dictate the rules by which we run ou rlives can affect the body.  An over-rigid belief system may cause stiff joints. Releasing the belief system in question also releases the stiffness





white-dog-polaroid.jpg“A dog came to me as extremely troubled, he chased every movement around him.  A bird or insect flying by, any shadow or reflection, a car driving by or a passing pedestrian.  This dog only slept when he dropped from exhaustion and upon awakening would continue chasing movements, non-stop.  I did the session using the owner as a surrogate with her dog wandering around the treatment room.   Three days later the owner called and said her dog slept for two days and was a now different dog.”
 David True, BodyTalk for Animals Practitioner