baby in leavesPeople bring children of all ages to BodyTalk for many different reasons. Here’s a list we’ve compiled from our past 4 years as BodyTalk practitioners in Grass  Valley:


Children come to BodyTalk to…
     … eliminate phobias.
     … reduce stress.
     … improve emotional control.
     … improve academic performance.
     … improve athletic performance.
     … improve self image and social issues.
     … improve sleep and other health issues such as allergies and digestive disorders.


BodyTalk is effective, safe, comfortable, convenient, up to date, and affordable. Let us show you what BodyTalk can do for your child.

BodyTalk is also great for parents and caregivers who are looking for a way to reduce stress, improve health, deepen relationships and achieve goals. We offer special children’s and family rates.We hope to help your family come together and thrive.

Interested in learning more? Pediatrician Dr. Peter Hanfileti describes the use of the BodyTalk system in his practice with children as part of an alternative/holistic approach to pediatric patients in the following video:

marina bodytalk 2015OUR MISSION – To provide the tools for self transformation, self healthcare and personal growth.

If finances are an obstacle to receiving BodyTalk, please fill out our Financial Scholarship Application.